
website design

10 Years of Coding and Designing experience with various technology like PHP, CSS, MYSQL, JAVASCRIPT and multiple FRAMEWORKS.


A unique approach derived from the latest standards and trends that make your web app adapt to various screens and platforms. We can

Fastest Code

We formulate code with the latest UX/UI weaving process to assure that it's the lightest and fastest.

Innovative Results

We go through minute workflows, schema and analytics to keep improving our code and services.

Websites we have Developed


PulpCrush is a Juice company. They needed a website to showcase their various flavors and product in an interesting and eye-catching way. They wanted a full-fledged e-commerce platform integrated so that they can sell products online. 

FaceLift ADvent

Facelift Advent is a modeling and advertising Agency. 

They wanted a Black themed website to showcase their services and models. We have added a way for new model to enlist them online. 

ABM Electric and Engineering

A simple portfolio website designed with customized landing pages to showcase various services they offer. 


Rusicaa is a Tribal/indigenous fashion and rural development targetted startup. They wanted a website to showcase their way of thinking and various projects they are engaged with. 


Jamshedpur Notified Area Committee is a government organization working in Jamshedpur city. They wanted to bring their information and service portal online so that they can help people without any hassle. 


Infyed is a new startup that connects students with educators in their area. We have created a custom workflow where both students and Educators can signup and connect to each other. 

Mobile App we have developed


An app designed for parents and students, where they can pay fees online. Added functionality included attendance tracking, online results and student performance report. 

Ecommerce App

Ecommerce App for a brand selling garments online. Log in via phone number, product gallery, customizable home screen, Push notifications and Payment gateway integrated. 

Technology We Use

We have 12 Years of Experience in Development, and we have seen and worked with various open-source technologies. We are well versed in PHP, CSS, HTML, Javascript, and WordPress. Besides that whenever required we use frameworks like Laravel, Codeigniter, React.js, Vue.js, Flutter, and other technologies.